Streaming Over HTTPS.


Looking through these messages, I am surprised that no-one else seems to have experienced this issue, nor am I sure this is the right forum to post to, but one has to start somewhere?!

Unless all Internet Radio service Managers are expert at Linux and Widows, or use Third Party providers for their streams, not sure what the situation is?!

I run a self-managed server, running Widows 7, using both SHOUT and Icecast streams, along with a Website using Apache 2.4.4, and have been badly hit by the update to Google Chrome, which means that if an end-user is surfing to your site, and attempts to open either stream, unless they are using an S.S.L., these will not be sent via HTTPS, but by HTTP, and users will see lots of warning signs about taking risks visiting the Website, and opening the stream, etc.

After a lot of effort and work, I have managed to obtain the certifcates for the server, but not the audio streams.

From what I can gather, Icecast does support S.S.L., but only on Widows, SHOUTcast, only on Linux - and even then one has to know a fair amount about Linux to install and configure satisfactorily.

Has anyone else experienced this, or similar solutions, and if so, what would you advise please?

Thanks for your time.


SDR Talent Scout

Active Member
We were using a http stream link and we just asked out provider to switch it to https and they did, added a ssl to the website too and all the warnings went and google no longer warn it’s not secure. Suppose it’s a bit differ if you stream from your own servers.


I'd echo what SDR Talent Scout says. Our provider sends a stream that doesn't seem to cause any problems. We do mainly test on Firefox though, not Chrome. I don't like the Chrome browser


New Member
I'd echo what SDR Talent Scout says. Our provider sends a stream that doesn't seem to cause any problems. We do mainly test on Firefox though, not Chrome. I don't like the Chrome browser
That may be the case but the Chrome browser is by far the most popular amongst users with a market share of over 65%. Firefox has less than 3%.


That may be the case but the Chrome browser is by far the most popular amongst users with a market share of over 65%. Firefox has less than 3%.
I don't dely people use Chrome, just saying Firefox doesn't give an issue. Since my last reply i checked with my stream provider (Zfast) and they apparently have a special link to use for your stream which makes it https instead of http so this problem goes away. Remember if the stream is embedded in a page on a website that page also has to be https so the website will need it's own SSL certificate. This can be done for free but I just can't remember exactly how I did it without looking it all up.


New Member
If your stream is hosted they can generally handle setting up a cert for you.. can buy a real (not a Let's Encrypt SSL) for a few dollars a year then they just link to that. If you run your own server it's a very simple process to put the SSL into the server config. I use Icecast and it's just adding a few lines to the config file and uploading the cert to a directory.