Shoutcast display


New Member
Anybody know how to change how info is displayed through the Shoutcast player?

Right now it shows artist - album - track (which means that it's almost impossible to ever see what song you're actually listening to, to assist people in buying the music and supporting the artist). Is there any way to get the track name to display first, then artist, then album?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi SoulSancPHL,

Which Shoutcast player are you referring to exactly? Do you host a server account with us?


New Member
Yes, my server is hosted with you. It works and sounds great. I just want to change the display order. It's a Shoutcast2 player feed.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
That's great to hear.

I'm still not sure which player you mean though? Can you provide a link to the player please?

If there are no options to configure the display order then likely not unfortunately.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Okay I see now. You could edit the way the track information is displayed by editing your files metadata. For example, I can see the currently playing track is displaying as "Cesaria Evora - Tchintchirote - Cabo Verde '' which looks to me like the files metadata possibly has the album title included the track title. Either that or this is how your live encoder software displays this, so you should also check over your encoder settings.