Amazon Album Art Integration


New Member
I've been creating some new pages and I noticed a bit about Amazon intigration in the code snippets.
How can I do this?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
We have it set up so that any tracks you play have the album art pulled from Amazon. This doesn't always work as it cant necessarily fin the track your playing if it is named correctly etc..

I've been creating some new pages and I noticed a bit about Amazon intigration in the code snippets.
How can I do this?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
It does seem a bit hit and miss. I have seen users with some of their album covers coming up. The problem is the quality of the mp3 meta-tags. The more accurate the information in the meta-tags the more likely an album cover will be displayed.


New Member
Is there any way to disable to Amazon links because all the music we play isn't on Amazon. We'd like to use the Recent Tracks but the album art just comes up as "x"'s and I wondered if we could disable it so it looks neater.



Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi Storm. Unfortunatly we only have that particular snipped available with the images. Some of our users use the album integration to display album artwork they have uploaded so its not something we can disable.

Another option for you is to use some php code to display the info if you have this possibility on your server.


Level 1 Support
Staff member
scorpio4646 : Its automatically used to find album art for tracks you are playing to be displayed when you use the code snippets for 'Recently Played Tracks'.