Thumbnail Not Showing Anymore


I recently deleted some audio files from on of my folders, and accidentally also deleted the thumbnail file.
I have been using the file name for each folder, called "art.jpg".
After noticing that I was seeing the ? thumbnail (used for when a thumbnail is not found), I re-uploaded the missing "art.jpg" file.

But correct file never shows now, instead showing the ? thumbnail.

I have let it that way for over a week, and it is still not correct.

Can someone provide advice or help on this, please?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi brothwel,

Have you tried a library update under the options of the 'Media' section of your control panel and also fully stopping and restarting the server at all?


I had done the stop/start of the server several times, and did it again, just after trying the Manual Library Update -- no change.
What is the Purge Library and Update do?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
I've had a look at your media folders and control panel and it appears to be the 'VOD Promos' and 'Guarding Your Heart' files that are not showing the thumbnails.

I've noticed the image file you have in your 'Info and Reminders' folder is art.png and not art.jpg, so you'll want to correct that.

But the folder 'VOD' does have the correct art.jpg file and these files also look to have the artwork embedded so I'm not quite sure why those files are not displaying this?

When you "purge" the library rather than just looking for any new media files it will instead completely re-index all of your files and folders. So that might be worth a try.


I have tried the following:
  • Making sure I am using .jpg artwork files
  • Using artwork files called "art.jpg", "folder.jpg", "smallalbumart.jpg" (those last two are even mentioned specifically as ones that should work in the Centavo online docs)
  • I tried using two different MP3 tag editors, and even tested a new file that has the exact same tags as one of the files that still works.
  • I also tried creating an images folder on the websiteI use to present the radio station from, containing the album images, and pointing there when doing a right-mouse on the album icon, that _does_ correctly show in the Media listing, where you can "Edit album details" and provide a link to a website url.
It seems that it is only new files that I am adding that are failing, somehow showing the "nocover.jpg" image instead. All previously existing files work.

Would it make sense to at least get the nocover.jpg file to be an image that can be considered a better "default" image?

Any way to purposely clear ALL the cache on the server?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi brothwel,

You're doing everything correctly and I've been playing about with the files in the same way myself for a bit and I just can't seem to get the artwork to load either? I can't work out why this is not working for you?

I'll continue to see if I can get this working somehow and figure out what the problem may be. Do you actually display the thumbnails anywhere?


Have you been able to investigate further?

Is there a way to “reset” the station?

Is there a way to force the use of a specific URL for each album instead of relying of a file within a folder, or embedded MP3 tags?

The strange thing here is that the issue only seems to be occurring for new files I have added — almost like there is some cache that is being utilized instead of, somehow.

What if we simply rebuild the station altogether?


I am at a total loss as to why my new files, that have the same embedded MP3 album art as the older files, are only showing the default “nocover” image.

Can you create a new instance the station that we can try, and if all the files work probably, you can switch the acct to the new one, then throw out the old?


Level 1 Support
Staff member
Hi brothwel,

Yes, we can always recreate your account again for you. This would obviously mean that your server details would change, so as long as you are okay with this then we'll happily do this for you.

Please drop us an email via to discuss this further.


I figured it out!
It turns out that because the "Song Title Codes" setting on the AutoDJ tab (under Settings in the CentovaCast Configuration Panel) was Disabled, the "album cover accuracy may be reduced".

As soon as I set it ti Enabled, and restarted the server, the album art started working correctly!


Level 1 Support
Staff member
That's great to hear. I'm really pleased that you figured this out.

I'm a bit surprised that was causing this problem for you, but that is interesting to know. Thanks for the update!