What does the **EMPTY** player mean?
Thanks, I attach screenshot.
Hi, a new member but we are aware of all things mentioned and felt compelled to say:
We at Barbwires are not a listened to station with Internet-Radio, but carry their LOGO on our sites for so long, and:
We have seen very many "Empty" entries as well...
they are recorded in LOG as `' <- just that as User-Agent and have concluded they are like so many RIPPING softwares and the user has neglected to assign any U-A info to, such as WinAMP 5.5.0 or whatever - We BLOCK as a class C, and only received ONE - " WTF" on our support IRC account on Undernet or chat.barbwires.com and out position is "No User-Agent, we have the same for you, NOTHING but a class C Ban" and move on.
Eddie @ Barbwires Radio