A little suggestion for my Voiceover on this set.


New Member
Hi there,

Matching voice volume levels can be a bit tricky (it's a tough job I spend a while on when doing imaging), but with the right techniques and tools, it’s definitely achievable. Here are a few tips that might help, I use a fair few of them!:

  1. Normalization: Use the normalization feature in Audacity to ensure your voice track is at a consistent volume level. This can help match the volume with other elements in your set.
  2. Compression: Applying compression can even out the dynamic range of your voice recording, making quieter parts louder and louder parts quieter. This can help achieve a more consistent volume level.
  3. EQ Adjustments: Sometimes, adjusting the EQ can help your voice sit better in the mix. Boosting the mid frequencies (around 1kHz to 4kHz) can make your voice more present and clear.
Additionally, if you’re looking to enhance your overall station sound with professional-quality jingles, beds, sweepers, and more, TheBox Imaging can help! Our imaging services are designed to give your station a polished and cohesive sound at an affordable price.

Feel free to listen to our demo [click here] and check out the reviews from our happy clients. If you're interested, you can reach out to me at qlmb@mail.com.

Best of luck with your mixing!

Best regards, Matthew
TheBox Imaging