[2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO main/main Icecast 2.4.4 server started [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG yp/yp_recheck_config Updating YP configuration [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO yp/yp_recheck_config Adding new YP server "http://icecast-yp.internet-radio.com" (timeout 6s, default interval 30s) [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO yp/yp_recheck_config Adding new YP server "http://dir.xiph.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi" (timeout 6s, default interval 30s) [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO connection/get_ssl_certificate No SSL capability on any configured ports [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO stats/_stats_thread stats thread started [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO yp/yp_update_thread YP update thread started [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG yp/check_servers Add pending yps http://dir.xiph.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG yp/check_servers Add pending yps http://icecast-yp.internet-radio.com [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO connection/_handle_source_request Source logging in at mountpoint "/stream" from [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source sources count is 0 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] WARN format/format_get_type Unsupported or legacy stream type: "audio/mpeg". Falling back to generic minimal handler for best effort. [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG source/source_apply_mount Applying mount information for "/stream" [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_apply_settings sending metadata interval 16000 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG format-mp3/format_mp3_apply_settings charset ISO8859-1 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG source/source_apply_mount YP changed to 1 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG yp/yp_add Adding /stream to http://icecast-yp.internet-radio.com [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG yp/yp_add Adding /stream to http://dir.xiph.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG source/source_update_settings public set to 1 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG source/source_update_settings max listeners to -1 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG source/source_update_settings queue size to 524288 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG source/source_update_settings burst size to 65535 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG source/source_update_settings source timeout to 10 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG source/source_update_settings fallback_when_full to 0 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG connection/connection_complete_source source is ready to start [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client_callback Adding client to file serving engine [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG source/source_init Source creation complete [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO source/source_main listener count on /stream now 0 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG admin/admin_handle_request Admin request (/admin/metadata) [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG admin/admin_handle_request Got command (metadata) [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO admin/admin_handle_request Received admin command metadata on mount "/stream" [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG admin/command_metadata Got metadata update request [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO util/util_conv_string converting metadata from UTF-8 to ISO8859-1 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO util/util_conv_string converting metadata from UTF-8 to ISO8859-1 [2022-07-28 20:37:13] INFO admin/command_metadata Metadata on mountpoint /stream changed to "Teenage Bottlerocket - Cockroach Strikes Again" [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG yp/add_pending_yp 1 YP entries added to http://icecast-yp.internet-radio.com [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG yp/add_pending_yp 1 YP entries added to http://dir.xiph.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi [2022-07-28 20:37:13] DBUG format-mp3/mp3_set_title shoutcast metadata block setup with StreamTitle='Teenage Bottlerocket - Cockroach Strikes Again'; [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global sources (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new source stat /stream [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listenurl ( [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listener_peak (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node public (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_name (Punk Around) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_description (Punk Alt Grunge) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_url ( [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node genre (PUNK POP-PUNK GRUNGE ALT-ROCK) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node server_type (audio/mpeg) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node max_listeners (unlimited) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node source_ip ( [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node user_agent (libshout/2.2.2) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global source_client_connections (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node listeners (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node bitrate (128) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node channels (2) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node samplerate (44100) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node audio_info (bitrate=128;channels=2;samplerate=44100) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" listenurl ( [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global source_total_connections (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node slow_listeners (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" listeners (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" listener_peak (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node stream_start (Thu, 28 Jul 2022 20:37:13 +0300) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node stream_start_iso8601 (2022-07-28T20:37:13+0300) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (2) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node total_bytes_read (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node total_bytes_sent (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" listeners (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node title (Teenage Bottlerocket - Cockroach Strikes Again) [2022-07-28 20:37:14] DBUG slave/_slave_thread checking master stream list [2022-07-28 20:37:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (168000) [2022-07-28 20:37:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:23] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (368200) [2022-07-28 20:37:23] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG auth/add_listener_to_source max on /stream is -1 (cur 0) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG auth/add_listener_to_source Added client to /stream [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener client authenticated, passed to source [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG source/source_main Client added for mountpoint (/stream) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] INFO source/source_main listener count on /stream now 1 [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG format/format_check_http_buffer processing pending client headers [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG auth/add_listener_to_source max on /stream is -1 (cur 1) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG auth/add_listener_to_source Added client to /stream [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener client authenticated, passed to source [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (3) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (2) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" listener_peak (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" listeners (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global listeners (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global listener_connections (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (3) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (4) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (3) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG client/client_send_bytes Client connection died [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG source/source_main Client removed [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG source/source_main Client added for mountpoint (/stream) [2022-07-28 20:37:27] DBUG format/format_check_http_buffer processing pending client headers [2022-07-28 20:37:28] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global listeners (0) [2022-07-28 20:37:28] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2022-07-28 20:37:28] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global listeners (1) [2022-07-28 20:37:28] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global listener_connections (2) [2022-07-28 20:37:28] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (569800) [2022-07-28 20:37:28] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (14889) [2022-07-28 20:37:33] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (770000) [2022-07-28 20:37:33] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (273969) [2022-07-28 20:37:38] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (967400) [2022-07-28 20:37:38] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (471381) [2022-07-28 20:37:43] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (1167600) [2022-07-28 20:37:43] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (671594) [2022-07-28 20:37:48] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (1367800) [2022-07-28 20:37:48] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (871806) [2022-07-28 20:37:53] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (1569400) [2022-07-28 20:37:53] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (1073419) [2022-07-28 20:37:58] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (1769600) [2022-07-28 20:37:58] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (1273632) [2022-07-28 20:38:03] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (1965600) [2022-07-28 20:38:03] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (1469644) [2022-07-28 20:38:08] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (2167200) [2022-07-28 20:38:08] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (1657501) [2022-07-28 20:38:13] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (2367400) [2022-07-28 20:38:13] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (1871469) [2022-07-28 20:38:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (2569000) [2022-07-28 20:38:18] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (2073082) [2022-07-28 20:38:18] DBUG yp/handle_returned_header server touch interval is 60 [2022-07-28 20:38:18] DBUG yp/send_to_yp YP add at http://icecast-yp.internet-radio.com succeeded [2022-07-28 20:38:23] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (2769200) [2022-07-28 20:38:23] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (2273294) [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG connection/_handle_get_request alias has made / into /status.xsl [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG auth/add_authenticated_listener Stats request, sending XSL transformed stats [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_client Adding client to file serving engine [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG fserve/fserve_add_pending fserve handler waking up [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG fserve/fserv_thread_function fserve handler exit [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (3) [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (5) [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (4) [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (3) [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global connections (6) [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global client_connections (5) [2022-07-28 20:38:26] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update global clients (2) [2022-07-28 20:38:28] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (2969400) [2022-07-28 20:38:28] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (2473507) [2022-07-28 20:38:33] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (3171000) [2022-07-28 20:38:33] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (2675119) [2022-07-28 20:38:33] EROR yp/send_to_yp connection to http://dir.xiph.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi failed with "Resolving timed out after 6514 milliseconds" [2022-07-28 20:38:34] DBUG yp/send_to_yp YP touch at http://icecast-yp.internet-radio.com succeeded [2022-07-28 20:38:34] DBUG stats/process_source_event new node yp_currently_playing (Teenage Bottlerocket - Cockroach Strikes Again) [2022-07-28 20:38:38] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_read (3367000) [2022-07-28 20:38:38] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/stream" total_bytes_sent (2871131)